π₯ Palmer Hogan Couples Nicklaus PGA Autograph Lot - 500+ Signatures PSA/DNA π₯
$ 13200
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This listing contains a collection of autographs of more than 560 Golfing Greats - all obtained in person and over 50 years in the making.Β This is truly a one of a kind collection that will never be duplicated.Β The person that put this collection together not only obtained the autographs in person on 2x3 cards, most of them on his personal business cards, but on a lot of them, he actually pasted a cutout picture of the player onto the card.Β A ton of time and effort went into putting this collection together.Β As the PSA Letter of Authenticity states:"Scrupulously assembled long ago by a dedicated collector, it is not only highly desirable for it's vintage signatures, but is also an absolute delight to view."
This lot was purchased years ago from the original collector while it was still in binders, then moved to a few frames and hung on the wall.Β Right now, these cards are in bulk form and carefully protected and whoever purchases the lot, can display it as they wish.
This collection comes with both a letter of authenticity from James Spence and Steve Grad from PSA/DNA, as well as a second letter of authenticity from Mike Baker, Dave Bushing & Dan Knoll of Global Authentication, Inc.Β There should be no doubt on the authenticity of this truly amazing collection.
As this collection came with written and/or typed out names of all of the golfers (which will also be included in this lot), I have tried to type out all of the names as well as possible (please excuse any spelling errors).Β Please feel free to email me with any questions or requests for additional pictures and I will get back to you as soon as possible and answer to the best of my ability.Β I am selling this lot for someone so I may need to confirm with them on any questions I can't answer, so please be patient.
Here are the names that I was able to get from the papers given to me:
Tommy Aaron
Bob Ackerman
John Adams
Mitch Adcock
Cathy Ahern
Amy Alcott
Skip Alexander
Michael Allen
Bud Allin
Fulton Allum
Donne Ammaccapone
Dina Ammaccapone
J.C. Anderson
Billy Andrade
Isao Aoki
George Archer
Wally Armstrong
Debbie Austin
Tommy Aycock
Paul Azinger
Seve Ballasteros
Mike Bamblett
Miller Barber
Dave Barr
Todd Barringer
Aliee Bauer
Marlene Bauer
Laura Baugh
Rex Baxter
George Bayer
Deanna Beaman
Andy Bean
Frank Beard
Bob Beaucher
Chip Beck
Michelle Bell
Jim Benepe
Patty Berg
Susie Berning
Al Besselink
Bob Betley
Roy Biancalana
Donne Bies
Ron Black
Woody Blackburn
Phil Blackman
Myra Blackwelder
Jay Don Blake
Jayne Blaylock
Marty Bohen
Tommy Bolt
Jim Booros
Julius Boros
Patty Bradley
Mike Brannan
Gay Brewer
Billy Britton
Jerilyn Britz
Mark Brooks
Pete Brown
Ken Brown
Billy Ray Brown
Bonnie Bryant
Brad Bryant
Johnny Bulla
Bard Bunkowaki
Jack Burke
Walt Burkemo
George Burns
Clark Burroughs
Bill Buttner
Curt Byrum
Mark Calcavechia
Rex Caldwell
Mark Cardevale
JoAnne Carner
Billy Casper
Kim Cathrein
Antonia Cerda
Ron Chaney
Bob Charles
T.C. Chen
Barry Chessman
Brian Claar
Bobby Clampett
Keith Clearwater
Lennie Clements
Russ Cochran
Kay Cockrill
Dawn Coe
Jim Colbert
Bobby Cole
Janet Coles
Frank Conner
Charles Coody
John Cook
Jeff Cook
Kathy Cornelius
Fred Couples
Chuck Courtney
Bruce Crampton
Dick Crawford
Ben Crenshaw
Elaine Crosby
Jackie Culpit
Rod Curl
John Daly
Beth Daniels
Laura Davies
Marco Dawson
Jay Delsing
Jimmy Demert
Jim Dent
Bruce Devlin
Muffin Spencer Devlin
Judy Dickensen
Gardner Dickenson
Bob Dickson
Terry Diehl
Russ Dierdorf
Terry Dill
Trevor Dodds
Marta Figura Dotti
Ed Dougherty
Dave Douglas
Dale Douglas
David Duval
Bob Eastwood
Mitzi Edge
Dave Edwards
Danny Edwards
Joel Edwards
Dale Eggelton
Dave Eikelberger
Lee Elder
Steve Elkington
John Elliott
Shirley Englehorn
Bob Estes
Michelle Estill
Chick Evans
Danny Fabel
Donne Fairfield
Nick Faldo
Mary Lena Falk
Stephanie Farwig
Martha Faulconer
Brad Faxon
David Fay
George Fazio
Rick Fehr
Forest Felzer
Vicki Fergon
Keith Fergus
Jim Ferrier
Ian Baker Finch
Allison Finney
Dow Finsterwald
Ed Fiore
Pat Fitzsimmons
Marty Fleckman
Bruce Fleicher
Ray Floyd
Marlene Floyd
Doug Ford
Danny Forsman
John Fought
David Frost
Frank Fuhrer
Fred Funk
Rod Funseth
Ed Furgol
Shirley Furlong
Jim Furyk
Jim Gallagher Jr.
Robert Gamaz
Bob Gaona
Buddy Gardner
Tom Garner
Janet Geddes
Kelly Gibson
Al Gieberger
Gibby Gilbert
Bob Gilder
Bill Glasson
Dave Glenz
Bob Goalby
Joel Goldstrand
Jamie Gomez
J.C. Goosey
Wayne Grady
Lou Graham
Gail Graham
Hubert Green
Ken Green
Tammy Green
Bert Greene
Bobby Greenwood
Gary Groh
Scott Gump
Banks Guyton
Fred Haas
Jay Haas
Clayton Haefner
Vance Haefner
Danny Halderson
Gary Hallberg
Jim Hallet
Shelly Hamlin
Donnie Hammond
Mike Hammond
Phil Hancock
Chick Harbert
Claude Harmon
Paul Harney
Chandler Harper
Dutch Harrison
Steve Hart
Dudley Hart
Fred Hawkins
Mark Hayes
Sandra Haynie
Jerry Heard
Renee Heiken
Webb Heintzelman
Nolan Henke
Harold Henning
Bunky Henry
Jay Herbert
Lionel Herbert
Pam Higgins
Dave Hill
Mike Hill
Lon Hinkle
Larry Hinson
Babe Hiskey
Morris Hitalsky
Scott Hoch
Ben Hogan
Mike Holbert
Tony Holguin
Mike Holland
Robin Hood
Ed Humerdink
John Huston
Julius Inkster
Joel Inman
John Inman
Hale Irwin
Barry Jackel
Tony Jacklin
Tommy Jacobs
John Jacobs
Peter Jacobson
Jim Jameison
Betty Jameson
Don Januart
Tom Jenkins
Ruth Jensen
Nicole Jeray
Joel Jimenez
Joel Jimsek
Adam Jimsek
Howie Johnson
Cathy Johnston
Greer Jones
Steve Jones
John Joseph
JoAnne Joyce
Mike Joyce
Brian Kamm
Brad Kay
Al Kelley
Mary Porter King
Betsy King
Peggy Kirk
Joel Kirkwood
Tom Kite
Ken Knox
George Knudson
Gary Koch
Bill Kratzert
Ok Hee Ku
Steve Lamontagne
Neil Lancaster
Bernhard Langer
Larry Laoretti
Tom Lehman
Tony Lema
Bruce Lenhardt
Jeff Lewis
John Lister
Lawson Little
Sally Little
Gene Littler
Bobby Locke
Bob Lohr
John Long
Lyn Lott
Dick Lotz
Davis Love
Steve Lowery
Bob Lunn
Mark Lye
Andrew Magee
Jeff Maggert
John Mahaffey
Meg Mallon
Roger Maltbie
Steve Malynk
Lloyd Mangpum
Carol Mann
Dave Marr
Graham Marsh
Fred Marti
Doug Martin
Bill Martingale
Rik Massengale
Debbie Massey
Don Massingale
Dick Mast
Billy Maxwell
Dick Mayer
Billy Mayfair
Blaine McAllister
Susie McAllister
Rives McBee
Bob McCallister
Mark McComber
Gary McCord
Mike McCullough
Jerry McGee
Jim McGovern
Bill McIntosh
Melissa McNamara
Squeeky Medina
Lauri Mertin
Phil Mickelson
Cary Middlecoff
Johnny Miller
Sharon Miller
Allen Miller
Kristin Milligan
Billy Mitchell
Herman Mitchell
Larry Mize
Dottie Mochrie
Orville Moody
Bill Moog
Gil Morgan
P.H. Morgen
Mike Morley
Barb Mucha
Jody Mudd
Bob Murphy
Tommy Nakajima
Martha Nause
Jim Nelford
Larry Nelson
Byron Nelson
Lisolette Newman
Bobby Nichols
Jack Nicklaus
Mike Nicolette
Greg Norman
Andy North
Mav O'Grady
David Ogrin
Jose Maria Olazabal
Ed Olfield
Porky Oliver
Judy Oliver
Mark O'Mara
Peter Osterhaus
Roy Pace
Jerry Pace
Arnold Palmer
Johnny Palmer
Gary Palmer
Sandra Palmer
Steve Pate
Corey Pavin
Judi Pavone
Eddie Pearce
Rich Pearson
Calvin Peete
Chris Perry
Kenny Perry
Peter Persons
Katie Peterson
Mark Pfeill
Gary Pinns
Joan Pitcock
Danny Pohl
Danny Poolie
Sandra Post
Kathy Postelwait
Kerry Postillion
Johnny Pott
Greg Powers
Nick Price
Dicky Pride
Dillard Priuitt
Tom Purtzer
Tina Purtzer
Frank Quinn
Judy Rankin
Henry Ransome
Cindy Rarick
Chas Raulderson
Betsy Rawles
Mike Reasor
Michele Redman
Victor Regaldo
Dave Regan
Mike Reid
Jack Renner
Johnny Revolta
Cathy Reynolds
Dick Rhyan
Debbie Richard
Larry Rinker
Alice Ritzman
Kelly Robbins
Sue Roberts
Loren Roberts
Bill Rodgers
Chi Chi Rodriguez
Phil Rogers
Liz Rogers
Barbara Romack
Bob Rosberg
Clarence Rose
Bill Rosina
Hugh Royer
Nancy Rubin
Mason Rudolph
Sam Rudolph
Dave Rummels
Kim Saiki
Bill Sakas
Carole Sample
Judy Sams
Bill Sander
Doug Sanders
Cesar Sanundo
Gene Sarazan
Gene Sauer
Bob Schearer
John Schlee
John Schroeder
Ted Schultz
Tom Seikman
Tom Shaw
Bob Shaw
Patty Sheehan
Kim Shipman
Charley Sifford
C.H. Sikes
Tony Sills
Larry Silvera
Jim Simons
Scott Simpson
Tim Simpson
Joey Sindelar
Pearl Sinn
Val Skinner
Jeff Sluman
Lancy Smith
Sam Snead
J.C. Snead
Ed Snead
Karsten Solheim
Mick Soli
Mike Souchak
Mike Springer
Sandra Spuznich
Hollis Stacey
Craig Stadler
Bob Stanton
Sheri Steinhaver
Jan Stephensen
Payne Stewart
Ray Stewart
Ken Still
Adrian Stills
Dave Stockton
Dave Stockton Jr.
Beth Stone
Frank Stranahan
Curtis Strange
Ron Streck
Louise Suggs
Dennis Sullivan
Mike Sullivan
Hal Sutton
Alvin Tappe
Tani Tatum
Lance Tenborek
Brian Tennyson
Doug Tewell
Barb Thomas
Peter Thompson
Rocky Thompson
Leonard Thompson
Sheri Thompson
Dickey Thompson
Jim Thorpe
Tom Tierney
Esteban Toledo
Bob Toski
Lee Trevino
Kirk Triplett
Dennis Trixler
Kristin Tschetter
Jim Turnesa
Jack Tuthill
Bob Tway
Greg Twiggs
Howard Twitty
Breyy Upper
Tommy Valentine
Ken Venturi
Scott Verplank
Grant Waite
Rocky Walcher
Duffy Waldorf
Colleen Walker
Art Wall
Tom Wargo
JoAnne Washman
Lenny Watkins
Bobby Watkins
Tom Watsons
Dennis Watsons
Bert Weaver
Dewitt Weaver
D.A. Webring
Tom Welskopf
Buck White
Cathy Whitworth
Mark Wiebe
Jim Wiechers
Kim Williams
Bob Wolcott
Mark Wolfka
Willie Wood
Jim Woodward
Ian Woosman
Lew Worsham
Robert Wrenn
Jennifer Wyatt
Dudley Wysong
Bert Yancey
Donna Caponi Young
Babe Zaharas
Kermit Zarley
Jean Zedlitz
Wally Zembriwski
Bob Zender
Larry Ziegler
Fuzzy Zoeller
Richard Zokol
Shipping will be FREE to the winner of this lot - via Fedex Next Day Air Shipping and will ship the very next day after payment is received.